Leading Race-Conscious School Improvement Workshop Sessions

Through the interactive three-day workshop teams will participate in one of four work groups to gain insights into levers of school improvement that increase their school’s abilities to meet the needs of youth of color, which include:

  • Organizational learning and improvement
  • Culturally relevant instructional improvement
  • School culture and climate improvement
  • Community and youth engagement

Led by Dr. Decoteau J. Irby

This workshop introduces the organizational racial resources that are essential to achieving school-based racial equity. Participants will explore the racial resources outlined in Stuck Improving: Racial Equity and School Leadership, examine what educators and community members must do to cultivate and leverage these resources, and develop a plan for doing so in their own school community. At the end of the presentation, participants will understand: What it means to have the capacity for racial equity improvement and the role leadership and adult learning plays in fostering the conditions for educators to deliver Black and Brown school-aged students affirming school experiences and improved learning outcomes.

Led by Dr. Jason Salisbury

This workshop introduces instructional improvement resources that are necessary to cultivate school-wide instructional improvement that advances culturally relevant practices. Participants will learn how to assess current instructional practices in equitable ways, collaboratively develop a school-wide definition of rigorous and relevant instruction, design and implement impactful professional learning agendas, and provide ongoing support for deepened teacher engagement with culturally relevant practices. Throughout this session, participants will gain an understanding of how to include historically marginalized students in the process of improving instruction. This workshop will conclude with participants leveraging their deepened understanding of culturally relevant instructional leadership to develop a school-based action plan to improve race-conscious instructional practices that increase learning opportunities for students of color.

Led by Dr. Lionel Allen,Jr.

This workshop introduces participants to new ways of thinking about, building and sustaining a positive school culture. Students of color and other historically marginalized student groups like diverse learners, multilingual learners, and students living in poverty find themselves victims of school practices and cultures that fail to adequately meet their needs. Participants will learn how to establish and maintain a culture of C.A.R.E, i.e., a culture that rests upon the pillars Cultural responsiveness, Affirmation, Relationships, and Empowerment. Building a culture of C.A.R.E. will combat the academic failure and social othering that often characterize these students’ experiences. Participants will create an action plan of how to establish a culture of C.A.R.E. in their schools.

Led by Dr. Van Lac

This workshop introduces participants on ways to develop and strengthen the voices and leadership of minoritized students and families through participatory action research (PAR). This workshop begins with an exploration of the barriers with engaging racially marginalized students and families in schools as valuable stakeholders and legitimate co-partners for educational justice. We will examine the structural forces that inhibit participation while also interrogating the biases we might hold as adults in leadership positions. We will then explore an approach to school improvement that involves the active participation of Black and Brown students and parents through PAR. The workshop will provide participants with an opportunity to see models and examples of how PAR has been utilized in under-served and under resourced communities. Participants will create an action plan of how to launch PAR within their school to bolster the voices of students and families.

Apply to the LRCSI Workshop