Policy 101 Workshop: Policy Brief Writing

At the top right in a bright orange rectangle is the title of the event followed by a smaller yellow rectangle naming this as a Scholars Strategy Network workshop. Underneath that in large black letters is the date and time of the event as well as how to register. Below that is a description of the workshop followed by the two logos of the organizers and next to the description on the left is a stylized version of the Springfield capitol dome building.

Policy 101 Workshop

The Chicagoland chapter of the Scholars Strategy Network (SSN) and Institute for Research on Race and Public Policy are excited to co-host a virtual training on how to write compelling and jargon-free policy briefs. Participants will move through each step of the policy brief drafting process and actively shape their idea into a first draft. The workshop includes practical information on how to distribute your policy brief for maximum impact. Each researcher should come to the workshop with an idea about a possible topic for their policy brief. All interested Chicago-based academics are welcome. There will be time for small group discussions and to address any questions that you have.