Video: Disinvestment in Illinois Higher Education is a Racial Justice Issue

Top left has the title of the event and below it is the date and time. On the right is the outline of the state of Illinois with a red bar that runs across the state and then downwards that states that we have decreased higher education funding by over 47% in Illinois between 2000 and 2022. The rest of the page has the description of the event and then panelists

Legacies of Racism Event

On March 29, 2022, IRRPP and the Center for Tax and Budget Accountability teamed up to showcase two reports: CTBA’s A Continued Disinvestment in Illinois Higher Education and IRRPP’s Chicago's Racial Wealth Gap: Legacies of the Past, Challenges in the Present, Uncertain Futures. The research and data in these two reports present an undeniable connection between structural racism, education, and wealth gaps. The event panel provided insights on this topic from the perspectives of academic researchers, a higher education advocate, and a political leader.

Video from the March 29, 2022 event Disinvestment in Illinois Higher Education is a Racial Justice Issue